Sunday, April 6, 2008

History and Preservation of Livngston College

The Livingston Campus Council's University Affairs Committee recently held a program on the History and Preservation of Livingston College that celebrated the advances that Livingston brought to Rutgers University. More information in a Daily Targum article. No matter how you feel about the creation, history and transformation of Livingston College, the article and findings are important reading.


Anonymous said...

Let Livingsrton College die already. Some of you are delusional. LC should never have happen to begin with. I went to Rutgers not LC, LC is an embarrassment to Rutgers. Let Livingston fade away, it is no longer an entity at Rutgers. Enough already.

Unknown said...

Amen. Enough already! My resume says Rutgers University; not LC. There was nothing distinctive about LC accept the quads. :-)

Linda J Wilk said...

Some of us feel a little differently! Being at Livingston in the first four years it existed was an amazing time. Life at the Rock was challenging as cultures learned to get along, and the lifestyle of the times created its own problems, but many of us were happy and free there, and learned a lot about cross cultural community and creative diversity, creating peace, and standing up for what we believed in. If you are interested in connecting with other early students, come to facebook, and search for Livingston College of Rutgers U